Photos People

Audrey, The Captain, and Silvi (600x384, 23.1 kilobytes) Billy Markette (600x422, 28.6 kilobytes) Billy (600x384, 18.7 kilobytes) Calico (600x381, 24.1 kilobytes) Carl Ikegami (351x512, 14.2 kilobytes) Carl, Almost Two (600x389, 32.4 kilobytes)

Caveman George (600x409, 24.3 kilobytes) Collage (257x512, 20.0 kilobytes) Daddy through the Looking Glass (600x388, 29.1 kilobytes) Daddy (600x387, 24.1 kilobytes) Dusk and Red (600x407, 29.6 kilobytes) Family Reunion (600x386, 40.4 kilobytes)

File0001 (600x381, 18.8 kilobytes) George and Genie (351x512, 27.4 kilobytes) George in North Texas (600x387, 24.1 kilobytes) Janet and no1 (600x377, 29.1 kilobytes) Janet Emmert (600x382, 15.9 kilobytes) Joshua looked a lot like The Captain (600x406, 20.0 kilobytes)

Karen and Boo Boo at home (600x389, 27.4 kilobytes) Karen and Red (600x392, 28.8 kilobytes) Karen Veni's photo by George (600x405, 27.4 kilobytes) Karen's feet, photo by George Veni (600x382, 32.5 kilobytes) Kevin Ikegami (347x512, 15.6 kilobytes) Mary Cain (600x399, 27.2 kilobytes)

Momo (600x385, 34.4 kilobytes) Oboe and George (600x387, 29.8 kilobytes) Oboe (600x387, 23.5 kilobytes) Patty and Greg (600x389, 27.3 kilobytes) Patty (600x387, 22.3 kilobytes) Red and Billy (600x405, 19.1 kilobytes)

Red and Joshua in Palmdale (600x409, 36.6 kilobytes) Red (600x410, 23.7 kilobytes) Road Warriors in Billy's Karman Ghia (600x402, 24.4 kilobytes) Selma (600x383, 26.9 kilobytes) Sophie, Silvi, and Janet (600x380, 23.9 kilobytes) Thanksgiving Dinner (600x389, 29.4 kilobytes)

The Captain, destined The Magnificat (600x379, 34.8 kilobytes) The Captain (600x381, 28.4 kilobytes) Zechariah (375x512, 31.9 kilobytes)

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